Fox International Fellowship
The University has signed an MoU with the Yale Centre for International and Area Studies (Yale University), USA, to administer the programme of Yale University "Fox International Fellowship" in JNU.
As per MoU, 02 FOX International Fellows from Yale will spend a yeat at JNU and fellows from JNU finally selected by Yale will spend a yeat at Yale. Students of JNU will be fully funded by Yale University.
The committee shall recommend PhD students to be sent to Yale University in order to conduct research in any of the following fields: Economics, Finance, Political Science, International Relations, Law and Contemporary History. Although the committee shall decide regarding selection of students of the university, the FOX International Fellowship will be awarded by the Yale University for the year 2019-20.
The final selection will be done by a committee at Yale:
- The applicant should be confirmed in Ph.D programme
- The applicant should not have completed mora than 06 semesters from the date of his/her registration/admission in Ph.D programme as on 1st January, 2020.
In the view of the above decision, kindly forward us the recommendations of eligible candidate(s) in the enclosed proforma at the earliest, not later than 31.10.2019.
► Application form for Fox International Fellowship 2019-20