Ph.D. in Art History, London University
Ancient Indian Art History (including Indian iconography, temple and stupa architecture, terracotta and other small-finds, the art of Gandhara; Indian, Hellenistic and Roman transculturalism in antiquity). Medieval Indian Art History (including arts of the Indian temple and sultanate period painting). Modern Indian art history (with specific reference to the the Arts and Crafts Movement and the development of Indian design).
Academic teaching: at JNU since 2006, at SOAS (and its collaborators’ – the British Museum, Sotheby’s and Christie’s) Diplomas on Indian Art: since 1999.
Visiting Professorships at SOAS, University of London; Kunsthistorisches Institute in Florence; University of Zürich, Switzerland; University of Alberta, Canada.
Research Fellowships: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Delhi; Getty Foundation, L.A.
Curatorial Experience: British Museum, London : 2001 - 2002; Independent curations: The Body in Indian Art (Europalia.13, Brussels, Belgium, with published book) 2013 and also shown at the National Museum, New Delhi in collaboration with ICCR in 2014, The Making of the Modern Indian Artist Craftsman: Devi Prasad (Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi with published catalogue)2010; Divine Presence (Casa Asia Barcelona, with published catalogue); Ancient Indian Terracottas: new discoveries and new questions on art, myth and ritual in Ancient India(IGNCA and IIC) 2010. Devi Art Foundation, co-curator, and exhibition designer: ‘Where in the World’ 2008-09.
2011-2013: Getty Fellowship: ‘The Art of Rome’s Provinces’ Heritage Management, Archaeology and Art-history.
2010: Fellowship: ‘Art Space Mobility’ funded by the Getty Foundation for the travelling seminar to study the Seljuk, Georgian and Armenian Architecture of Northeastern Turkey
2010: Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Teen Murti House: Fellow (publication)
2008: Oxford University (Ashmolean Museum) Research fellowship resident at St Antony’s College, to further research the Ashmolean’s collection of Ancient Indian art
2007: University Grants Commission (UGC) UPOE Grant to curate and mount the exhibition ‘Ramkinkar in focus, through the eyes of Devi Prasad’, (also with support from Anant Art Gallery, Delhi & Kolkata)
2003: Numata Foundation for Buddhist Studies: Funding for Collaborative research and to Guest-Lecture at Mc Master University, Canada
2002: South Asian Studies (The British Academy) Research Grant to ‘Map the Spatial and Temporal Spread of a major Early-Historic Goddess’.
2012-13: Naman Ahuja was invited to advise and consult the Govt. of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain first on the feasibility of the Indian section of a Museum of World Cultures in Barcelona, and later, in a provide a detailed specialist second report on the museums holdings which was completed in January 2013
2008: Collaborator with Yale University to organise a conference ‘A Pantheon Rediscovered: Changing Perceptions of Early Historic India’.
‘A Pantheon Rediscovered?’ in Anderson, J (ed.) Crossing Cultures: Conflict, Migration and Convergence: Proceedings of the World Art History Congress. The Miengunyah Press, an imprint of Melbourne University Publishing, Melbourne, 2009, pp. 109-115.
‘Changing Gods, Enduring Rituals: Observations on Early Indian Religion as seen through Terracotta Imagery c. 200 BC-AD 200’ in South Asian Archaeology, Paris, 2001 C. Jarrige and V. Lefèvre eds. South Asian Archaeology 2001 vol ii, Paris 2005: pp. 345-54.
‘Moudled terracotta from the Indo-Gangetic Divide: Sugh, circa 200 BCE – 50 CE’ in P. Pal ed., Indian Terracotta Sculpture, the Early Period , Marg Publications, Mumbai, 2002, pp. 46-57.
‘Further Studies Towards a Definition of the Style of Early Historic Terracottas from the Indo-Gangetic Divide’ in The Ananda-vana of Indian Art . Dr. Ananda Krishna Festschrift (Naval and Manu Krishna eds.) Indica Books and Abhida Prakashan, Varanasi, 2004 pp. 47-58
‘The Origins and Development of Indian Iconography: its entropic history’ in Iconography Now! , Sahmat & I C H R New Delhi, 2006.
The Making of the Modern Indian Artist-Craftsman: Devi Prasad, Routledge, 2011
2012-13: Author of ‘Indian Temple Architecture’ for the National textbook (Class XI NCERT) on Indian Art History
The Body in Indian Art and Thought, Ludion, Antwerp, 2013 (also published in Dutch as India Belichaamd and French as, Corps del`Inde)