Rahul Mishra
Associate Professor
Centre/School/Special Centre
Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies
School of International Studies
Room No
208, SIS-I
rmishra@mail.jnu.ac.in, rahul.seas@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
- PhD (2013) “China Factor in India’s Engagement with Southeast Asia, 1992-2008”, Centre for Southeast Asian & South-West Pacific Studies, SIS, JNU
- M. Phil (2006) Centre for Southeast Asian & South-West Pacific Studies, SIS, JNU
- M.A. (2004) School of International Studies, JNU
Areas of Interest/Specialization
- India’s Look East/Act East Policy and its Indo-Pacific engagements;
- ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and the regional security and economic architectures;
- Indo-Pacific dynamics and the role of Quad and other minilateral institutions;
- Major, middle, and small power interests and engagements in Southeast Asia, especially in the context of China’s rise;
- China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its impact on the region;
- Politico-security and economic affairs of the Southeast Asian region;
- Political developments in Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore;
- ASEAN-EU regionalism, EU’s role in the Indo-Pacific;
- Non-Western International Relations, Comparative Regionalism
- Korean peninsula and Australasia.
- Director (2022-2023), Centre for ASEAN Regionalism Universiti Malaya (CARUM), Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Coordinator (2018-2023), European Studies (MES) programme, Asia-Europe Institute, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Managing Editor (2021-2023), AEI Insights journal, Asia-Europe Institute, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Committee member (2020-2023), Board of Studies, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Senior Lecturer (2018-2023), Asia-Europe Institute, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Consultant (2017), Foreign Service Institute (FSI), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India
- Research Fellow (2013-2017), Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA), Sapru House, New Delhi, India
- Visiting Research Fellow (2012-2013), S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Researcher (2008—2013), Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India
Awards & Honours
- 2016- Government of the Republic of Korea, Seoul, South Korea
- 2015- East-West Center in Washington D.C., USA
- 2010- National University of Singapore, Singapore
- 2008- Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Government of Australia
- 2005- Junior/Senior Research Fellowship, University Grants Commission, India
International Collaboration/Consultancy
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- Mishra, Rahul (2023), “ASEAN Strives for Regional Centrality in the Age of Great Power Competition”, in Filippo Fasulo (Ed.) The EU Indo-Pacific Bid: Sailing Through Economic and Security Competition, ISPI, Italy, pp. 131-144.
- Mishra, Rahul (2022), “The Environmental Dimension of China’s Belt and Road Initiative Investments in Myanmar” in Hui Nee Au Yong, Xuchuan Yuan, Linda Low (Eds.), China's Belt and Road Initiative Going Global and Transformation in the Global Arena. World Scientific. pp. 179-202.
- Muni, S. D. and Mishra, Rahul (2021), “The Indo-Pacific: An evolving regional construct” in Asia and Europe in the 21st Century: New Anxieties, New Opportunities, 2021, Routledge, pp. 141–155
- Mishra, Rahul and Wang P.B.M. (2021), “The Legacy of Colonialism: Malaysia’s Foreign Policy Under Tunku Abdul Rahman”, in Contesting Malaysia’s Integration into the World Economy, Springer, 2021, pp. 243–264
- Mishra, Rahul (2018), “Evolving dynamics of India–China relations: Implications for BCIM” in BCIM Economic Cooperation: Interplay of Geo-Economics and Geo-Politics, Routledge, 2018, pp. 393–405
- Mishra, Rahul (2018), “From Look East to Act East: Transitions in India’s Eastward Engagement” in Gilbert Rozman, Joseph Chinyong Liow (Eds.), International Relations and Asia’s Southern Tier - ASEAN, Australia, and India, Springer, pp. 321-340.
- Moe Thuzar, Rahul Mishra, Francis Hutchinson, Tin Maung Maung Than, Termsak Chalermpalanupap (2016), “Connecting South and Southeast Asia: Implementation Challenges and Coordination Arrangements” in Michael G. Plummer, Peter J. Morgan, Ganeshan Wignaraja (Eds.) Connecting Asia Infrastructure for Integrating South and Southeast Asia, Edward Elgar, 2014, 160-185.
- Mishra, Rahul (2016), “India-ASEAN trade and economic relations: Ties that bind” in Look East to Act East Policy: Implications for India's Northeast, Routledge, 2016, pp. 58–73
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- Mishra, Rahul (2023), “Tragic nation Burma: why and how democracy failed”, International Affairs, Volume 99, Issue 5, September 2023, Pages 2185–2186 (Review)
- Mishra, Rahul (2023), “From non-alignment to multi-alignment: assessing India’s foreign policy shift”, Round Table, 2023, 112(1), pp. 43–56
- Mishra, Rahul (2021), “Vietnam’s Regional Security Perceptions and Priorities: Role of India”, India Quarterly, 2021, 77(2), pp. 200–218
- Mishra, Rahul (2017), “Code of conduct in the South China sea: More discord than accord”, Maritime Affairs, 2017, 13(2), pp. 62–75
- Mishra, Rahul (2016), “Asian infrastructure investment bank: An assessment”, India Quarterly, 2016, 72(2), pp. 163–176
- Mishra, Rahul, Hashim Azirah, Milner Anthony (2021), Asia and Europe in the 21st Century: New Anxieties, New Opportunities, Routledge, London.
- Muni, S. D. and Mishra, Rahul (2019), India's Eastward Engagement: From Antiquity to Act East Policy, SAGE Publications, London and New Delhi
- Jha P. and Mishra, Rahul (2018), Integrating North East in India's Act East Policy, VIJ Books, New Delhi
- Bhatia R. and Mishra, Rahul (2016), The Peacock and the Garuda: An Overview of India-Indonesia Relations, Pentagon, New Delhi
- Bhatia R. and Mishra, Rahul (2015), BCIM-Economic Corridor: The Road Ahead, Pentagon, New Delhi