Ajay Kumar Verma
Centre/School/Special Centre
Centre for Philosophy,
School of Social Sciences
ajayverma@jnu.ac.in , thinkajay@yahoo.com
Personal Webpage
M.A., M. Phil. and Ph.D. in Philosophy (University of Delhi)
Areas of Interest/Specialization
Indian Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy and Religion
20 years of teaching experience
Held faculty positions at Hindu College, Lady Shri Ram College and Zakir Husain Delhi College, Delhi
Department of Philosophy, University of Delhi (2005-2014)
Centre for Philosophy, Jawaharlal Nehru University (since 2014)
Awards & Honours
- Awarded Indian Philosophy Congress medal.
- Awarded N.V Thadani memorial prize.
- Awarded Raman Fellowship for Post Doctoral Studies at University of Texas in El Paso and University of Massachusetts for the year 2013 (could not avail).
International Collaboration/Consultancy
International Collaboration/Consultancy
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- Verma, Ajay and Rathore, Aakash Singh (Editors), "Dr. Ambedkar’s Buddha and His Dhamma : A Critical Edition", Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2011.
- Verma, Ajay. Bhartrhari’s Verbal Holism: Some Hermeneutical Queries, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, June 2015, Volume 32, Issue 2, pp 211-226, First online: 16 April 2015, JICPR Springer. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs40961-015-0021-y.
- Verma, Ajay. "Systems and Lifeworlds: A Habermasian Overview of Major Trends in Classical Indian Philosophy" Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Journal of the Inter-University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. XVIII, Number 1& 2, 2011 Editor Varsha Bhagat-Ganguly.
- Verma, Ajay,‘I and the Other: A Hermeneutical Study of the Epistemological Models available in Indian Philosophy’ in Journal of East and West Thought, Summer No. 2, Vol. 4, 2014, California, USA, p.81-97.
- "Play and Method: A Review of Gadamer and Habermas Debate", The Philosophical Quarterly, Amalner, Vol. VI, No.3-4, July- October 2000, pp. 77-92.
- "Envisaging the Possibility of Ethics in the Postmodernist Lifeworld" The Philosophical Quarterly, Amalner, Vol. XI, No.1-4, January- October 2005, pp. 103-113.
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- Verma, Ajay (2013), ‘Ethics of Jainism’ in Understanding Ethics, Sahni P. and Chaturvedi, V.(editors), Macmillan Press, Delhi.
- Verma, Ajay (2017) Reason, Emotion and Beyond: Revisiting Schopenhauer, Bhartṛhari and Abhinavagupta in Schopenhauer on Self, World and Morality, Arati Barua (editor), Springer.
- Verma, Ajay (2019) Perception, Apperception and Understanding of the ‘Other’ in A Phenomenological Appraisal of Nyāya, Buddhist and Advaitin Theory of Knowledge in Problem of the Self: Consciousness, Subjectivity and the Other, Manidipa Sen (editor), Aakar Publications.
- Verma, Ajay (2019) Sanction and Sanctity of the Vedic Word: A Review of K. Satchidananda Murty’s Vedic Hermeneutics in Reason and Revelation, Reason, Revelation and Peace: Evaluations of K. Satchidananda Murty's Philosophy, Ashok Vohra(editor), Motilal Banarasidass Publishers, Delhi.
- Verma, Ajay (2020) ‘Ambedkar and the Metaphysics of Social Justice’ (editor) Rathore, Aakash Singh, B.R. Ambedkar: The Quest for Justice volume two, Oxford University Press.
- Verma, Ajay (2020) ‘Epistemological Foundations of Caste-Identities: A Review of Buddhist Critique of Indian Realism’ in Classical Buddhism, Neo-Buddhism and the Question of Caste edited by Professor Pradeep Gokhale, Routledge.