• Ph.D (Physics), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.) India, 2015.
• M.Sc. (Physics), M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, India, 2010.
• B.Sc (PCM), M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, India, 2010.
• Council of Scientific & Industrial Research National Eligibility Test (CSIR NET LS and JRF-Dec.2009, 2010).
• Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE-2011)
• To Study the electronic and magnetic properties of magnetic metal/semiconductor interfacial structure, which is a building block of “Spintronic” devices.
• Study of Half metallic alloy (Heusler alloy) and their interfaces, synthesis of Heu-sler Alloy Nanoparticles
• Exchange Bias structures
• Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation Studies on such interfaces
• Magnetic Nanoparticles, diluted magnetic semiconductor
• Synthesis and characterization of Multiferroic and perovskite materials for photovoltaic solar cells
• Electronic structure calculations of solids using density functional theory (DFT) by Wien2K and VASP Software
Technical/Characterization Expertise:
• XRD for structural investigation
• AFM/MFM for surface morphological investigation
• SEM/TEM for surface morphology and microstructural analysis
• XPS for chemical phase identification
• FTIR, UV-vis and Raman Spectroscopy
• Electronic and Magneto-transport from low temperature to RT
• VSM for magnetization measurement
• Experience/ knowledge of swift heavy ion irradiation on such interfaces
• Familiar and friendly with operations of vacuum coating units, FTIR and Uv- Visible
• Wien2K Software for electronic, magnetic, optical and transport properties of solids for material science
• “From Aug. 03, 2015 to March 04, 2016 as Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc) at Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, University of Delhi-110021 (India).
• “From March. 05, 2016 to April 05, 2023 as Assistant Professor (Permanent) at Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, University of Delhi-110021 (India).
• “From April 06, 2023 to continue as Assistant Professor (Permanent) at School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 (India).
• 2010 - Gold Medal for standing first in M.Sc (Physics) awarded by M.J.P. Rohilkhand University Bareilly (U.P.) India.
• 2010 - Gold Medal for standing first in M.Sc (Physics) awarded by Bareilly College, Bareilly (U.P.) India.
• 2009 - Prof. V.K. Saxena Memorial fellowship awarded by Bareilly College, Bareilly (U.P.) India.
• Member of Ion Beam Society of India
1. Effect of spin orbit coupling effect on opto-electronic, magnetic properties of full Heusler alloy, Ru2CrAl for spintronic and optical devices: Theoretical investigations using DFT
Arvind Kumar, Swati, Manish Kumar and Rishi P. Singh Optik 249,168250 (2022)
2. Low temperature magnetic study and first principle calculation in “Mo” doped CoFe2O4 for magnetic information storage applications
Manish Kumara, Arvind Kumar, Abhishek Singh, Avneesh Anshul, Subhash Sharma, Prakash Chandr Sati
Journal of alloys and compounds 896, 163074 (2022)
3. Effect of doping engineering in TiO2 electron transport layer on photovoltaic performance of perovskite solar cells
Abhishek Raj, Manish Kumar, Arvind Kumar, Amel Laref, Kedar Singh, Subhash Sharma, Avneesh Anshul
Materials Letter, 313 (2022), 131692
4. Computational analysis of bandgap tuning, admittance and impedance spectroscopy measurements in lead-free MASnI3 perovskite solar cell device"
Manish Kumar, Abhishek Raj, Arvind Kumar, Pramod K. Singh, Ram Chandra Singh, Avneesh Anshul
International journal of energy research, 2022;1–14; DOI:10.1002/er.7942
5. Theoretical investigations on electronic and optical properties of Half Heusler alloy, FeNbSb
Arvind Kumar, Swati, Brijmohan Prajapati, Manish Kumar, Rishi P. Singh Optical and quantum electronics 54(2022) 71734.Fabrication of low-cost and fast-response visible photodetector based on ZnS:Mn/p-Si heterojunction
Arun Kumar, Samrat Mukherjee, Himanshu Sharma, Devendra Kumar Rana, Arvind Kumar, Raj Kumar, Ravi Kant Choubey
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing,155 (2023) 107226
6. Magneto-electronic and optical properties of full Heusler alloy, Y2FeSi: A first principle calculation with and without spin orbit coupling effect
Arvind Kumar, Swati, Vikrant Chaudhary, Manish Kumar, Gaurav Sharma, V. P. Singh and Rishi P. Singh
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, (2022) 35:2079–2089
7. Investigating the potential of lead‐free double peroskite Cs2AgBiBr6 material for solar cell applications: A theoretical study
Abhishek Raj,Manish Kumar,Arvind Kumar,Amel Laref,Avneesh Anshul
International journal of energy research, (2022)
Book Chapters:
1. Chapter: 13 Nanoscale Characterization
Arvind Kumar, Swati, Manish Kumar, Neelabh Srivastava and Anadi Krishna Atul CRC Press (Accepted)
2. Multiferroic Bismuth Ferrite Based Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Manish Kumar, Abhishek Raj, Arvind Kumar, Avneesh Anshul (Acepted)
3. Lead-free multiferroic BiFeO 3 based sustainable green composites: Applications, opportunities and future challenges
Manish Kumar, Arvind Kumar, Satyam, Z. R. Khan CRC Press (Accepted)