o Ph.D. from the Centre for the Study of Social System, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2003.
o M.Phil. from the Centre for the Study of Social System, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1997.
o M.A. in Sociology from University of Lucknow, 1992. Scored first position in order of merit.
o B.L.I.S. (Library and Information Science) from University of Lucknow, 1990. Scored first position in order of merit.
o B.Sc. (Life Science Group) from University of Lucknow, 1989.
Sociology of Science and Technology; Modern Science and Traditional Knowledge; Research Methodology in Social Sciences. Waste management; e-waste: Higher Education in Science
20+ years
* University topper for M.A. in Sociology from University of Lucknow, 1992.
* University topper for B.L.I.S. (Library and Information Science) from University of Lucknow, 1990.
- Completed a Major Research Project on “Socialization and Goal Orientation in Indian Academia: A Study of Research Students (Science) in Select Universities.” Amount Rs.7,09,300=/(Seven Lakh nine thousand three hundred) for the period of 2008-09 to -2011-12( Funded by UGC, MHRD, Government of India.
- Mapping Foresight Activities in the Indian Biotechnology Sector/ Co-PI with Prof Desai. Amount: Rs. 15,59,189/ Duration (2012-13). Funded by DST/NSTMIS, Government of India,
- International Project on , “Crossing Boundaries: Knowledge & Technology Transfer and Innovation”/ Funded by European Union(IRES, FP-7 ( Marie Curie Staff International Staff Exchange scheme). Co. PI with Prof Christos Kalantardis, University of Bradford, UK and others. Amount: 52,500 Euros. Duration; 2012-2016.
- Urbanisation and Sustainability in the era of globalization : Emerging Scenario in South West National Capital Region , Co-PI, funded by JNU, UPE-II, Amount:Rs. 34,50,00/ Duration; 2014-19.
- Govind, Madhav (2018), Management of the Challenges of Electronic Waste in India: an analysis, Proceedings of the Institutions of Civil Engineering-Waste and Resource Management,( With Anwesh Borthakur) ISSN1747-6526/E-ISSN 1747-6534. https://doi.org/10.1680/jwarm.17.00035.
- Govind, Madhav (2017),Public Understanding of E-waste and its disposal in urban India: From a review towards a conceptual framework. Journal of Cleaner Production,172.PP 1053-1066( with Anwesha Borthakur). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.10.218.
- Govind, Madhav(2017) How to commercialise university-generated knowledge internationally? A comparative analysis of contigent institutional conditions. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol.123. PP.35-44. (With Kalantaridis,C. Kuttim,M.Sousa,C.) Published on 30th June. Available at:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/aip/00401625?sdc=1
- Govind, Madhav (2017) Emerging Trends in Consumers’s e-waste Disposal Behaviour and Awarness: A worldwide overview with special focus on India, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 117,PP.102-113.( With Anwesha Borthakur).http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.11.011.
- Govind, Madhav (2017) Community Participation or Manufactured Consent? Strategies for Implementation of Drinking Water Project Jalanidhi’ in Kerala( India), (With Abhilash Babu) in International Journal of Rural Management,13(1),PP.1-19. DOI: 10.1177/0973005217691151. http://irm.sagepub.com
- Govind, Madhav (2017) How well are we managing E-Waste in India: Evidences from the City of Bangalore. Energy, Ecology and Enviornment.Vol.2.No.4 PP.225-235(With Anwesha Borthakur). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40974-017-0060-0.
- Govind,Madhav(2016) International Knowledge Transfer from University to Industry: A systematic Literature Review, ( with Kuttim, Merle),Research in Economics and Business: Central And Eastern Europe, Vol.28(2), PP. 5-25.
- Govind, Madhav (2014). Social Repercussions of e-Waste Management in India: a Study of Three Informal Recycling Sites in Delhi. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 71(3): 241-260 (with Pooja Pandey) Download
- Govind, Madhav (2018), “Policy Making for Innovation in the Informal Economy: Insights from National Innovation Foundation and Barefoot College of India”( with Bhaduri, S and Shaikh, F.A) in S. Bhattacharya, Y. Suman, T. Jamal(eds) Policy Perspective on Innovation and Sustainable Development,CSIR-NISTADS,New Delhi,2017, ISBN-9781642047
- Govind,Madhav (2016) Energy Access through Energy Efficient Technology: Policies and Programmes for Domestic Sector in India( with Vandana Maurya), In R.C. Sobti and Venkatesh Dutta(Eds.) Bridging the Science Policy Gap for Inclusive Growth in India(177-199).Delhi: Narendra Publishing House.
- Govind, Madhav (2009). Science, Truth and Gandhi: Divergence and Convergence. Gandhi Marg: Quarterly Journal of the Gandhi Peace Foundation, 31(1), 57-82.
- Govind, Madhav (2008). Legitimacy of Scientific Knowledge: Emerging Challenges from Privatizations and Globalizations of Science. Journal of Social Sciences: A Journal of Banaras Hindu University, 10(2), 236-257.
- Govind, Madhav (2006). Sociology of Science. New Delhi: Anmol Publications.
- Govind, Madhav (2005). Principle of Sociology (in Hindi), a textbook for class XI. Ajmer: Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education.
- Govind, Madhav (1997). Science, Society and Technological Laggards. Third Concept, 11(127), 53-56.
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