Jawaharlal Nehru University
School of Life Science
New Delhi 110067
Position: Research Associate I (RA-I)
Project title: “SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit in muscle atrophy and neuromuscular junction program in type-2 diabetes: A molecular approach to understand the neuromuscular complications in COVID-19 in comorbid conditions”
Salary: - INR 58,000.00 + HRA @24% or as per MoE-STAR guidelines.
Essential Qualifications: Ph. D in Life Sciences or any branch of Life Sciences /Biotechnology.
Desirable Qualifications: Research experience in the area of molecular biology (cloning and expression), gene expression (RT-PCR and immuno-blotting), cell signaling, animal tissue culture, animal handling and genome editing with at least one publication in peer-reviewed SCI/SCOPUS journals.
Duration: The Project will continue till April 2026. The above-mentioned positions are completely temporary and are co-terminus with the project. However, the fellow can be terminated anytime (immediately) if unsatisfactory progress or any scientific misconduct observed.
Applications (soft copy only) are invited from suitable candidates to apply by sending a cover letter detailing experience, with CV, reprints and names with complete address (including e-mail) of two references on or before March 02, 2025 by e-mail to: - vikasyadav@mail.jnu.ac.in