Karan Singh
Assistant Professor
Centre/School/Special Centre
School of Computer & Systems Sciences
Room No
Off. Phone
karan@jnu.ac.in, drkarandashboard@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
- Ph.D. (CSE), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India 2010.
- M.Tech. (CSE), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India 2006.
- B.Tech. (CSE), Kamala Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, India, 2004.
Areas of Interest/Specialization
- Cyber Security, IoT
- Network Security,
- Multicast Communication,
- Mobile Authentication
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Assistant Professor, SC & SS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Jan. 2014 to till date
- Assistant Professor, School of I.C.T., GBU, Greater Noida, U.P., Jan. 2011 to Jan. 2014
- Research/Faculty Associate (Full time Faculty), School of I.C.T., GBU, Greater Noida, U.P., Jan. 2010 to Jan. 2011
Awards & Honours
- Chair, International Conference Networks and Cryptology, 2020, JNU, New Delhi, India
- Chair, International Conference Networks and Cryptology, 2019, JNU, New Delhi, India
- Young Scientist award, 2nd International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET), Aalborg University, Denmark 2016.
- General Chair of 9th International Conference Qshine 2013, GBU, Greater Noida, India
- Certificate achieved for Education Profession by International Accreditation Organization, USA in 2012.
- Profile Nominated for best computer faculty by Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties Awards 2012, Pondicherry, India
- IEEE Certificate for Member-Get-A-Member (MGM) 2008.
- Biography Nominated for publication in “Marquis Who’s Who in the World” November 2008.
- Professional member of IEEE, IEEE Computer society, ACM, IACSIT, ICST, ACEEE, CSI, ISOC, AIRCC and IAENG.
International Collaboration/Consultancy
- Monash University, Monash, Australia
- Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Zagazig University, Sharqiyah, Egypt.
- University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
- University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE, United Arab Emirates.
- Benha University, Benha, Egypt
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- Gopal Singh, and Karan Singh, “Joint beacon frequency and beacon transmission power adaptation for internet of vehicles, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley (SCI IF 1.5)
- Indu Dohare and Karan Singh, “Green communication in sensor-enabled IoT: integrated physics-inspired meta-heuristic optimization-based approach”, Journal Wireless Networks: The Journal of Mobile Communication, Computation, and Information (SCI IF 2.405) ISSN: 1572-834X (Published), Vol. 26, issue 2, pp-1-8, 28 January 2020.
- Wireless Networks: The Journal of Mobile Communication, Computation and Information (SCI IF 2.405) ISSN: 1572-834X (Published), Vol. 26, issue 2, pp-1-8, 28 January 2020.
- Subrata Shana and Karan Singh, “Cluster Based Localization Scheme with Backup Node in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network” Wireless Personal Communications, 2019 (SCI IF 0.92) ISSN: 1572-834X .
- Vikas Srivastava, Sachin Tripathi, Karan Singh, Le Hoang Son, “Energy Efficient Optimized Rate based Congestion Control Routing in Wireless Sensor Network”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, (SCIE, 2018 IF = 1.91), September 2019.
- Aziz, A., Singh, K., Osamy, W. and Khedr, A.M; “Optimizing Compressive Sensing Matrix using Chicken Swarm Optimization Algorithm” IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 8pp. DOI: 10.1049/iet-wss.2018.5083 , Print ISSN 2043-6386, Online ISSN 2043-6394, May 2019.
- Karan Singh with Ahmed Aziz Lightweight Security Scheme for Internet of Things, Wireless Personal Communications an International Journal, October 2018 (SCI, IF 0.92), January 2019, Volume 104, Issue 2, pp 577–593.
- Karishma Singh, Karan Singh, Le Hoang Son, Ahmed Aziz (2018), “Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks by Hybrid Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm”, Computer Networks, (SCIE, 2016 IF = 3.0), June 2018. Volume 138, 19 June 2018, Pages 90-107
- Akansha Singh, Amit K. Awasthi, Karan Singh and Pramod K. Srivastava “Modeling and Analysis of Worm Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks “Wireless Personal Communications An International Journal. ISSN 0929-6212 DOI 10.1007/s11277-017-4988-3, October 2017 (SCI, IF 0.92).
- Karan Singh with Akansha Singh, Amit Kumar Awasthi “Cryptanalysis and Improvement in User Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network” Wireless Personal Communications, Vol 88, No 313, 2016 (SCI IF 0.93) ISSN: 1572-834X.
- Dileep Kumar Yadav, Karan Singh, “A COMBINED APPROACH OF KULLBACK-LEIBLER DIVERGENCE METHOD AND BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION FOR MOVING OBJECT DETECTION in Thermal Video”, Infrared Physics and Technology, Elsevier, page 1-26, Dec-23, 2015. (DOI: 10.1016/j.infrared.2015.12.027, (SCI, IF 2.0) ISSN 1350-4495.
- Karan Singh and Rama Shankar Yadav, “EFFICIENT MULTICAST CONGESTION CONTROL” published in Springer journal Wireless Personal Communications (SCIE), May 2014. DOI 10.1007/s11277-014-1809-9 (SCIE, IF 0.92) ISSN 1572-834X
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- Tayyab Khan, Karan Singh, et. al, “A Novel and Comprehensive Trust Estimation Clustering Based Approach for Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Access, (SCIE, 2016 IF = 4.0), May 2019.
- Shankar, Vishnu and Singh, Karan, An Intelligent Scheme for Continuous Authentication of Smartphone Using Deep Auto Encoder and Softmax Regression Model Easy for User Brain. IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp.48645-48654, Electronic ISSN: 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2909536. IEEE Access, (SCIE, 2016 IF = 4.0), April 2019
- Aziz, A., Singh, K., Osamy, W. and Khedr, A.M., 2019. Effective algorithm for optimizing compressive sensing in IoT and periodic monitoring applications. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 126, pp.12-28, ISSN: 1084-8045, DOI10.1016/j.jnca.2018.10.013, Jan 2019, (SCIE IF 5.273).
- Karan Singh and Amit Awasthi “QUALITY, RELIABILITY, SECURITY AND ROBUSTNESS IN HETEROGENEOUS NETWORKS” Publication Springer Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Vol. 115, PP 1-1007, ISBN: 978-3-642-37948-2 Edition 2013
Patents (if any)
Granted: One