Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Rashtrapati Nivas Shimla, 1996-1999
Doctor of Philosophy, Communalism in Bengal: From Famine to Noakhali, (1943-47), Modern History, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1996
Master of Philosophy, Modern History, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1993
Master of Arts, Modern History, First Class, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1991
Specialization: History and theories of Media. Nationalism and Communalism, Media Ethics and Moral questions, Violence
Interests: Rhetoric and Propaganda, Museum and Archives, International Media ( East and Central European Media), Food, dress and Home, famine
Resident Researcher, University of Vienna, Austria, June- October, 2022
Visting Foreign Scholar, Department of Media, ( Sociology), Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, 2019
India Chair, Graduate School of Information Studies, Tokyo University, Tokyo, 2010
Associate Professor, Centre for Media Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2014-
Associate Professor/ Deputy Director, Academic Staff College, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2008-2015 Assistant Director/ Assistant Professor Academic Staff College, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2000-2008 Post Doctoral Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla, 1996-99
Hon. Fellow, National Institute of Panjab Studies, New Delhi, 2004 |
Awarded, Grant by Indian Council for World Affairs (ICWA) FOR " Idea of Order in East and Central Europe', 2021-23
Invited, Editorial Board, Indian International Centre Quarterly, IIC, New Delhi, 2021-2023
Invited, Visiting International Fellow, Media Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, 2019
Elected, Founding Fellow, Virtual Teaching Society of India, New Delhi, 2018
Invited, Editor of Asian Review of Humanities, Published by CASSA, Nepal
Selected, Member Executive Committee, Indian History Congress, 2015-2017
Selected. Organiser of the Global Minding Animal Conference by the Minidng Animals, 2015
Invited, Member, Executive Council, Bhai Veer Singh Sahitya Sadan, Bhai Veer Singh Marg, New Delhi-1, 2016 Invited, Member of the Think Tank, Archival Management, Ministry of Culture, GOI, 2015- Invited, Institute of Remembrance ( IPN), Warsaw, Poland, to attend the International conference on Solidarity Movement, Krakow, Poland, 2010 Selected, Inaugural Chair Professor, Graduate School of Information Studies, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 2010 Awarded, Romanian Government Scholarship to Study in University of Bucharest, 2008 Awarded, SUN fellowships for the Central European University, Budapest, 2008 Fellow, (Hon.) National Institute of Panjab Studies, New Delhi, 2009- Selected, Post Doctoral Fellowships, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, 1996-1999 Awarded, JRF/SRF University Grants Commission, 1991-1996 |
Invited as International Visiting Scholar, Media Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kansai Unversity, Osaka, Japan, 2019
Invited as Hon. Visiting fellow, Centre for Advanced Study on South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Member Scientific Advisory Board, Symbolon, Scientific Journal of Arts University of Tirgu Mores, Romania,
1. Building Free India: Speeches that shaped Modern India, ( Edited and Introduced ), Speaking Tiger, Delhi 2022
2. The Modern School ( 1920-2020) A Century of Schooling in India, Westland, Amazon, New Delhi, 2020
3. JNU The Making of a University, HarperCollins, Delhi, New York, 2014
4. The Penguin Book of Modern Indian Speeches Edited, with an Introduction, Penguin Publishers, Delhi, London, New York, July,2007
5. Communalism in Bengal: From Famine to Noakhali (1943-47), Sage Publication, Delhi, Thousand Oaks and London, April, 2005
6. Countering Hegemony: The Polish Solidarity Movement in the Memory of Indians’ Government of Poland, Institute of National remembrance, Warsaw, 2011, pp. 566-576,
'Camera e Dhorechen Manusher Swadhinata' ( Bangla) in Sukhen Biswas ( Ed.) Aparajito Satyajit, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Kalyani University, 2021, pp. 295-298
Review of 'When Nehru Looked East: Origins of India-Us Suspicion and India-China Rivalry' by Francine Frankel, Studies of People's History, vol. 7, No. 2, 2020, pp.216-220
'The Soviet Cosmopolis', Proceedings of Indian History Congress, Jadavpur, 2017
The Spoils of Partition: Bengal and India, 1947–1967, Review Article, Studies in History, Sage Publishers, Vol 30, Issue 2, 2014, pp.201-210 The Imperial embers and the Invocation to Cold War : Colombo Conference 1950, Proceeding of the Indian History Congress, 2013 |